Saturday, August 11, 2012

Family Issues

I officially have the craziest family ever. Am I the only one? Sometimes I really do think I am, but I do believe everyone feels that way at some point in their lives. Someone give me the number for a real good therapist.

Shut Up, I'm talking.

It's 3:30 in the afternoon and I am still at work. Looks like getting off at 2 was a bust. I'm feeling really inspired right now to whip out my camera and walk down the street. Unfortunalty it's hotter than sin outside. Maybe it will cool down after I watch the social network for the 40th time. For some reason the thought of someone pretty much screwing over his friends to build a multi-billion dollar company facinates me. Can you feel the enthusiasm in my words.

Life on Death Row

I am on my third blog now and I still haven't told you anything about myself. For starters, I very opinionated but I don't like opinionated people. I like in the sticks way down deep in Arkansas. Deep in real life but not on a map. My grandparents own a store called Gravelly Variety. I know you're iching to jump right on and type in said "Gravelly Variety." But before you do I'll tell you now, the old folk round here don't use the computer or the internet so therefore there is no website. These days I am a amature photographer. I love it with all my heart and no matter how much my dad wants me to be a doctor, I will always be a photographer. Unless the good Lord tell me different. Next summer I hope to attend New York Film Academy where I will take an 8 week course on photography. Sounds exciting. Small town girl in the big ol' city. Well I've had my experience with the city life but we will save that story for another time.


The older generation. No offense to you or anything but please if you want a teenager to teach you how to use a flippin computer, don't yell at them when you don't have the right information for them in the first place.

College Freshmen

It's ten a.m. and I am awake. First off I will tell you being awake at this hour, a week before I officially move into my first college dorm is, well, stupid. Even college freshmen should be asleep right now. But unfortunatly we are being kicked out into the real world. Well some of us. On our way to finding our own ways of paying the bills and coming up with the rent. I guess that's life.